Wednesday, 15 February 2012

Valentines Day

Ok so I totally get that a blog about a bride to be would not be complete without a V Day post even though we don't really make a big deal of it (other than our first together which I must say was FANTASTIC!). So here it is.

This was our 3rd Valentines Day together. We've done different stuff every year which I think is good. Don't want to get bored or anything. However, the last two years, Valentines Day has been through the week. Now I'm not saying I'm old but I like being in bed by 9pm most nights  (as does husband to be) so going out through the week doesn't really fit our lifestyle. We celebrate Valentines Day on the Saturday before which has other benefits aswell such as, there's no price hike cos of the date, there's no restrictions on menus etc because of the date and most importantly there isn't a billion other couples competing for a table/room/parking space etc.

This year we decided to go to dinner and a movie. Pepes Jindalee was the restaurant and Sherlock Holmes 2 was the movie, Unfortunately the movie didn't start til after 9pm.... And a massive storm was headed our way so once dinner was eaten (by 8pm even though I was dragging it out) we decided to just go home and snuggle on the couch with a movie. I must say, this was WAY better than sitting in a movie theatre.

Gifts (or I should say gift) were done earlier that week. I got to chose my own and I got a beautiful satin robe. Its a grey blue colour and I love it!
As yet I haven't given my gift (mostly cos I have NO idea what to get but I'm sure I'll think of something.

I hope everyone had a great Valentines Day no matter to what degree you celebrate it!

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