Wednesday, 15 February 2012

The Dress

What makes the perfect dress? Is it the colour? The fabric? The designer? I'll let you in on a secret, it's none of these things. It's simply what makes your day perfect for you. Just like every other aspect of your wedding. Nothing else matters, no one elses opinion counts but yours and your husband to be. It's all about you two. The one day you can and should be totally selfish. If you start caring about what Great Aunt Meryl or your fiancees second cousins roommate thinks, then you're in trouble. And no offence, but you're also a bit of a dill.

In saying that, I have found the perfect dress for me and despite knowing that pretty much everyone who sees it will have a (not so positive) opinion of it, I couldn't care at all. I love the dress, it'll suit me, I'll feel comfortable in it and I'll always remember who good I felt on the day. To me that spells SUCCESS.

This is the one!
(Also, it doesn't hurt that Kim K is wearing it)

It's pretty much the same as this one, just in white.

I hear what you say, that doesn't look like a wedding dress.... But seriously, why do we all strive to be carbon copies of each other on our "special" day? Give me a cogent argument and I'll admit I'm wrong. Well maybe not wrong but I'll change my opinion. So many gowns these days are EXACTLY THE SAME! Theres nothing of the individual bride in them. The one day that is totally about you and nothing of your personality or individuality is present. I'm making sure that everyone sees ME on our wedding day even if it's not "fashionable".  Call me pretentious if you wish but I'll care about that as much as I will about other peoples views on my wedding :D

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